Two people collaborating at a desk, discussing something on a computer screen.

Job candidates value a good atmosphere in their future workplace more highly than a high salary. That’s the conclusion of two recent studies by Michael Page.

The results of two recent studies of the local labour market by Michael Page give a good indication of what companies need to do to attract candidates. These are the most important findings:

1. A high salary is not the most significant pull factor

The latest Michael Page´s Confidence Index shows that a better salary motivates only 11% of job applicants. The Confidence Index is a quarterly survey of job candidates applying for jobs via Michael Page websites. 

Of course salary is still important, but you need to offer so much more than that if you want to convince candidates. You need to offer them a positive experience. You need to be able to explain to them exactly how you will help them develop their career.

2. Invest in developing professional skills

The most important driver for changing job is professional development: over 34% of all candidates would like to find a new job that will help them to grow professionally.

That´s why it is important that employers invest in training, says Thibaud Adès. “If you want to attract the best people, you need to tell job candidates up front what you will offer in term of training and development, in both hard and soft skills.”

3. Having a well-known employer brand is over-rated

Contrary to what many people think, most job candidates are not swayed by a well-known employer brand.  Of all the factors considered important in a job, it ranks bottom. Choosing a job is like choosing a life partner. You need to ‘click’ on an emotional level. As an employer, you need to make future employees feel that you will be there for them every step of the way.

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