Person biting a pencil while looking at a laptop.

Upskilling” is key for career success. With this in mind, don’t wait for the day your skills are outdated to come, but prepare yourself. Strengthen your soft skills, gain knowledge from other fields, and take your professional growth into your hands.  

Here we present you the top three platforms for self-improvement:

1. Ted Talks

TED is a non-profit organisation dedicated to spreading ideas in the form of 20-minute talks. It started in 1984 covering the topics of technology, entertainment and design, and over the last 34 years has grown into the worldwide platform that today presents almost all topics in more than 100 languages.

Here you can find ideas and inspiration, learn about new leadership methods, and other things that will help put perspective into your career.  

2. Coursera

Picture this: you are full-time working, but you also have a personal life, and you want to study again, but it would eat away at your private time. How can you solve this problem? Coursera is an online platform where you can join courses online from top universities from around the world.

Choose between topics including computer science, big data, philosophy, finance and much more. Through their mobile app you can download course material in the form of short videos of approximately five minutes. Watch them on your way to work, on the bus, when you’re waiting for someone, or even during a short break.

Coursera is designed to be simple to complete, meaning you can do it ‘on the go’, and after four weeks, get your well-earned certificate – and start implementing your newly earned skills in the workplace.  

3. Google Academy

Yes – it’s true – Google is not just a search engine. They also offer a wide range of courses under the Google Academy banner. Most companies use Google Analytics (GA) to analyse their website and measure their ROI in order to improve and grow business.

To move up the career ladder, you should be able to read and interpret the data that comes from GA. More than that, you want to be the person that people come to when they look for help, want answers or even new ideas. First, you need to understand the tool, the data – and where the data comes from. This is just one of six practical and free training courses the company has to offer.  

Take advantage of what you can learn from here to succeed in your future.

Read more of our practical tips in our advice section and start growing your career.


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