A person working on a laptop in a bright, modern room.

Especially during difficult times, it´s important that businesses ensure that biases are limited, and that all employees feel part of the team.

To create an inclusive environment, we suggest following the below tips:

Encourage all employees

  • Make sure everyone is heard during your team calls
  • Reach out to quieter team members when you seek input on decisions or during check-ins.
  • Ensure that everyone has access to assignments and opportunities that draw upon their talents, and allow them to shine.

Support your employees

Given that many employees are likely to be working home for the foreseeable future, even as offices begin to slowly reopen once lockdown restrictions are lifted, employee engagement will be even more crucial.

Employees working from home can experience a plethora of distractions, such as managing childcare and even checking social media, which can make it easy to disengage from work.

Offering your people appropriate support to navigate their new day-to-day work routine and ensuring they are staying engaged through recognition for their hard work is key. In fact, during difficult times, recognition is arguably more meaningful than when businesses are operating as usual. 

Recorgise their extra efforts

Highlighting those employees who have adapted and put in extra effort to ensure continued productivity will provide a morale boost to the individual and the wider team. Encouraging your staff to thank and appreciate each other will help them to stay connected which will boost engagement across your business. 

  • Utilise video technology to provide support and show recognition to your employees face to face 
  • Show recognition for specific actions over a general job well done
  • Use company wide-comms to show recognition for your people publicly 
  • Be timely with your support and praise 
  • Consider sending small rewards such as local gift cards or buying them lunch via a delivery service


Across each of these three areas of priority, effective communication is what will ensure you are maintaining strong working relationships with your team and will form the foundation for success. With so much information available yet also a lot of confusion surrounding the current situation, employees will be looking to their managers and business leaders for clarity and guidance. 

For more insights or to discuss how we can support you and your team at this time, please get in touch.

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